

25 B2B Ecommerce Tips to Improve Your Online Strategy

Join us for a live webinar on November 13, 2024, at 2 pm ET as we showcase our top B2B ecommerce tips for a streamlined and frictionless customer journey.

It’s time to bridge the B2B buyer-vendor disconnect.

Today’s B2B buyers are underwhelmed with their ecommerce experiences — and their preferred suppliers are completely missing the memo.

  • As many as 64% of buyers feel those experiences are at best, average, and at worst, actively negative.
  • Meanwhile, 82% of vendors are happy with their ecommerce platform and the experience it supports. (Only 7% are looking to make a replacement).

Want to learn how to better align your ecommerce experience with your customers’ needs?

Join the live webinar (or watch on-demand after the session!) to learn:

1. The B2B ecommerce trends driving change — and widening the disconnect
2. Actionable tips for improving your B2B customer experience, from purchasing to fulfillment
3. Leading best practices for personalization, pricing, payment processing, leveraging marketplaces, and more.



And get handpicked pro tips from our very own ecommerce experts:

Patrick Fusarini

Solutions Consultant

Rob Cook

Business Development Manager

Register today to attend the webinar